• 200622 Dec

    The Webkit project have announced support for a new range of CSS declarations, to be used for putting strokes around text. This strikes me as a little strange for two reasons:

    First, I don’t recall and cannot find any kind of public demand for this. Of all the future CSS declarations I’d like to see implemented, these four new ones never even crossed my mind. Sure, it’s a nice idea; but it’s not as if we’ve desperately needed this to be introduced.

    Second, they’re not in the W3C CSS3 drafts. Now I know that CSS is not the sole property of the W3C, and that other declarations and tags have come from browser manufacturers first, but I wonder how much consultation there’s been between Webkit and other browser teams; after all, the last thing we want is to go back to the bad old days of proprietary tags. Wouldn’t you hate to see the ‘Best Viewed In…’ buttons make a comeback?

    I’m not anti the new declarations, they’ve just left me a little bemused. It’s good to see Webkit taking a lead, but there are a few things I’d rather they’d implemented first.

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  • Comments

    • 01.

      Webkit is not only the basis for Safari, though, but an integral part of OSX. Typography has always been a strength of Mac OS so Apple might have other things in mind with that options than just making the Browser supprt them.

    • 02.

      These declarations are needed for SVG, and have been built in such a way that they’re available in HTML too, I kinda like them :). Maciej, one of the lead Apple programmers in the WebKit project, has already been trying to get these declarations into WebKit.

    • 03.

      As have I, indeed I first implemented this as an algorithmic way of providing the CSS3 font-outline property for fonts that don’t come with an Outline face.

      See http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9475

    • 04.

      Though it never occurred to me as something I needed, I already have an example use for it where we currently use an image. Anything that allows text to remain actual text is always a good thing. With border-radius and box-shadow implemented, I’m only 1 (or at most 2) css3 properties away from being able to ditch 4 or 5 dozen background images. Hopefully the Gecko team will see fit to implement this in time for Firefox 3.

    • 05.

      text-stroke is perfect for putting text in front of any-colored background. Imagine an image with a gradient from black to white: Neither white nor black text would be readable on top of it. A black text with a white stroke (or opposite) would be easily readable!
      I _am_ demanding for this.

    • 06.


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