• 200613 Jun

    Im the second blogger/author to be added to css3.info and I’m extremely excited. I have become much more involved with CSS and Web Standards based design over the past year, then I ever thought I would be. I dove head first into a new project that started in October ’05 at dLife.com where we converted dLife.com from a regular table driven website supported by a shoddy CMS called OpenCMS, to a more agile ruby based backend with a css-based front-end design.

    I would say at this point, dLife.com is 50-60% of being complete, but there is so much more to learn. The site is about 5,000+ pages, so there is still much to be done to get this site really cranking. My team and I are also learning ruby on rails, which is still a very new technology which nobody knows quite where it will go.

    At the same time, I hope I can help other web designers/developers learn more about whats to come for CSS3. Joost and I are very excited to put together a great resource dedicated to CSS3.

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