• 200721 Oct

    As we mentioned at the end of last month, the W3C have released a working draft of their first annual snapshot. The snapshots are intended to show which specs are stable enough to be considered part of the current state CSS.

    The 2007 snapshot is:

    The browser with the least support for the snapshot is, as you’ve probably already guessed, Internet Explorer. Opera has implemented all of the new selectors, but doesn’t yet have support for RGBA & HSL/A colours, which both the forthcoming Safari 3 (Webkit) and Firefox 3 (Gecko 1.9) have implemented. FF3 doesn’t do well with many of the new selectors, however, which Safari does.

    While it would be nice to have included text effects and backgrounds & borders in this snapshot, differing browser implementations means they’re just not ready yet.

    Even if this working draft becomes a recommendation shortly, no current or imminent browser fully supports the modules contained within; and with Firefox 3, Safari 3, and Opera 9.5 due for release over the next few months, it’s not impossible that none will do so until the latter half of next year. It could even be the case that IE.Next swoops in to beat the others!

    With the CSS Eleven set to provide feedback to the W3C over the next few months, the 2008 snapshot could be a little more adventurous than that of 2007.

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  • Comments

    • 01.

      IE beat the others in CSS support? Oh, please. IE8 won’t beat any CURRENT browser implementations of CSS2.1! Write it down. You heard it here first.

    • 02.

      Opera Kestrel won’t be coming out in the next few weeks, but the public beta will be. Everything here certainly won’t be ready for the beta, and probably not for final, but we can look into it and see what is needed to be done. I’ll follow up with a implementation report in the near future.

      I’m a little surprised there is no Media Query properties ready for the snapshot, as both WebKit and ourselves, both on desktop and mobile (and TV in our case) support parts of this module. I guess this is due to not wanting to put partial parts of a module in this snapshot. I’d like to see another snapshot draft in around six months that includes full or partial modules that have progressed since the time this snapshot was published. I’m sure that by that stage at least some of backgrounds and borders, media queries and multi column layout can be included. We know that Backgrounds and Borders module contains the most requested features, but it isn’t stable enough at present and implementations (Gecko and WebKit) both differ.

    • 03.

      I’m a bit surprised as well by the fact that media queries don’t appear in this snapshot… There’s an apparent need for them, and by not setting a standard now, it’s becoming nearly impossible to change anything WebKit for instance might have done wrong, as there will be thousands of iPhone apps using it… (Although that’s probably overestimating those designers)

    • 04.
    • 05.

      @David: Sorry, I meant to say “over the next few months”, not weeks; I’ve changed that now.

    • 06.

      Media Queries didn’t make it because there are actually a few major issues still open. I expect it’ll make the next snapshot. :)

    • 07.

      I think iPhone apps (which is very bad practice to design for one device/browser) often use a separate url or browser sniffing instead of media queries. At this stage it is a better option as Apple’s use of media queries for iPhone is very broken. As they don’t support handheld, they use the screen media type, and require the regular screen stylesheet to also use a media query to stop the iPhone getting both stylesheets. Problem is IE (desktop) doesn’t understand this and gets no styles at all. Safari 2 and 1 also don’t even understand it and get no styles. There are probably other browsers too. If they just supported handheld life would be so much easier. ‘m hoping to discuss this with them though.

    • 08.

      […] modular approach was the beginning of the fall; I’m pleased to see news of a “CSS snapshot” of sorts. It’s still not the right approach, and does nothing to combat the […]

    • 09.

      […] The problems come when we look at some of the features we want, and the modules they are part of. Andy specifically references text-shadow as something that’s already got more than two sample implementations but is part of the Text module which we won’t see for a while due to it’s complexity. (As a side note text-shadow was formerly part of CSS2.1 but got dropped due to lack of implementations at the time.) Dave Storey summed this problem up nicely over on CSS3.info […]


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