• 200711 Jun

    Apple has released Safari 3 in beta to the public, running both on Mac OS X and on Windows! This enables all of our fans to now have a look at the wonderful CSS3 stuff that’s in there, as it’s based on a very very recent version of Webkit.

    I’ve updated the Preview pages to say Safari 3 instead of webkit, which will probably save me dozens of questions :). Go forth and try it out!

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  • Comments

    • 01.

      Safari 3/Win32 is speedy, but crash erally often.. have a lot of display error.. have a big regression in CSS3 selector support than old (1 week) webkit/522+… I hope that the MacOS version is more stable…

    • 02.

      I think it’s older than one week, to be honest :) It’s quite stable here on Mac OS though.

    • 03.

      Tried it on Win XP Pro and the menus are gone, and it hangs…

    • 04.

      I haven’t had any of the problems others have reported here. However, none of my bookmarklets work.

    • 05.

      I had no idea it was coming to Windows – what a pleasant surprise!

    • 06.

      I guess Google really must pay for their search field in Safari! If Apple can afford to port Safari (though it’s core component is being ported to Windows by the open source community) and earn money on paid search results it really must pay off!

    • 07.

      Testing it out on Windows now.

      Con: Doesn’t integrate well with Windows look & feel

      Pros: Beautiful text rendering; very, very fast

    • 08.

      […] 2: I’ve posted my thoughts on the implications for Opera. There’s an update at CSS3.info, where they have previews of upcoming CSS features available in Safari 3. Share this link: These […]

    • 09.

      Interesting. I’ve installed it, but I get sone really random letters (like they’re offset), and sometimes no text at all (Including on this site). I think stick with FireFox until it works, but it’s definately fast, and when it does work, I’ll definately be switching.

    • 10.

      Update: Two letter offset, and only in menu titles, the bookmark bar, and randomly throughout pages.

    • 11.

      Safari 3 Windows Review, Benchmark…

      Safari has a new version, and a new platform. The once mac-only web browser has released Safari 3 for Windows XP, backed by claims of UI, performance, and integration superiority. The claims are that it is 2x faster in Javascript and HTML rendering, …

    • 12.

      It’s faster than everything on Windows when it works. But here Safari 3 is crashing when you need to log on to a proxy, so I can’t use it on my work. Also most text on my webpage is just gone. Safari 3 on Mac OS X is really cool and stables. Even faster than the WebKit nightlies, probably due to better integration. Apple really needs to do a lot of work to get Safari 3 to a final for Windows before the end of the year. I also hope Mac OS X development won’t be halted by it.

    • 13.

      Font issues and ads are displayed wrong.. They are all complaining here: http://discussions.apple.com/forum.jspa?forumID=1188&start=0

    • 14.

      From my first post, I want to say month, not week…

    • 15.

      I’m having trouble finding a javascript console on the pc version… anyone?

    • 16.

      Ok guys, for those of you having trouble, this is the problem, it occurs on non-english windows installs…

    • 17.

      Nice for Apple to do this, but I wish they would of made it work with Windows 2000 also.

    • 18.

      As far as I know, Windows 2000 isn’t supported anymore which means it would be pointless for Apple to support this OS

    • 19.
    • 20.

      At the office I was accorded an upgrade to Windows XP Pro (from 2000 pro) just to install and work with Safari.

      In Safari I love the fact that I can resize all the text area fields. And most of all, Safari 3 beta works well will all the internal applications I have developed for Internet Explorer 6 and 7 and Safari.

      Now I will be able to add more CSS3 pizzas inside our code.

    • 21.

      @James Hopkins: yeah, totally agree on that.

      @Jacques: good stuff :)

    • 22.

      As somebody who can’t yet afford a Mac, this is very good news to me. Though it still feels unpolished and a bit clunky, I have a feeling that this will run much more smoothly once it gets past the beta stage. Even so, it runs well enough and will be a valuable tool for making sure that my work is all webkit-compatible.

      I noticed that Safari seems to handle background images in divs with border-radius better than Firefox does; Firefox will continue the image all the way to where the corner would be without border-radius, whereas Safari cuts it off when it reaches the rounded corner. This is nice to know.

    • 23.

      Accidentally clicked submit before I was finished :(

      My only real major complaint about Safari 3 Windows is that it doesn’t support Cleartype, and its internal font smoothing looks a tad crap.

    • 24.

      @Covarr: I haven’t tried it out myself, but I read somewhere that there is an option to reduce the amount of smoothing so the fonts don’t look so blurry. Also, border-radius is much improved in the Firefox 3 pre-Alphas, as they’re now using a new graphics layer (Cairo).

    • 25.

      I know about that option, but it’s still not as good, in my opinion, as either turning off font smoothing entirely or using ClearType. I can understand Apple’s decision to use their own font smoothing engine, since they had it available already, but the fact of the matter is that any computer user is probably going to be used to his own system’s default, and Apple ought to respect that.

      This article explains the key differences between Apple’s font smoothing and ClearType pretty well:

    • 26.

      I installed a copy on a machine with Windows XP Home and it worked fine, but when I install it my PC, which is running XP Pro no text appears on the buttons, and the menus are all blank. Other XP Pro users have told me that they’ve noticed exactly the same problems.

      I hope this fix this on the next beta release, it looks good, but it’s obviously very buggy, and go anywhere near eBay running this browser and they add a warning notice suggesting you upgrade to Firefox (which I’m already running, and thankfully does work fine and show all of its menus!).

    • 27.

      @Covarr – I agree with you on that, it doesn’t integrate with Windows at all. And remember the complaints from Apple users when Firefox launched, that it looked like a Windows app and didn’t intergrate with OS X??? It’s still a beta, so hopefully it will be improved before launch.

    • 28.

      The missing text issue should be fixed now.
      It should be rendering appropriate with a new WebKit nightly.

    • 29.

      “Nice for Apple to do this, but I wish they would of made it work with Windows 2000 also.”
      It does, although it’s not written.
      But it works as bad as in win xp.
      Forget about this alpha version, get back in 6 months, maybe. :D

    • 30.

      I mentioned in a previous message (26) that I was unable to get the beta release of Safari to work with Windows XP Pro, as it wouldn’t display any of the text, and just showed blank menus. I’m pleased to say that release 3.02 has now cured this problem, and so far it seems to be working normally, though it remains to be seen if any other problems come to light, and I’ll hopefully be giving it a thorough test drive in the next few days.

      It’s very nice to see that Apple are getting to grips with these problems, and that helps to greatly increase my confidence in their abilities. Anyone else having had this problem might like to try the new version as well, and see if it works for them as well.

      Just one complaint though, the Safari webpage suggested that users use the bug button in the browser to report any bugs, but if you can’t see that link because the text isn’t working then you can’t easily report it direct to them. I made my grumbles via this page, but a box on the Safari page for reporting such things would have been helpful. I think this will be a great browser by the time it reaches its alpha stage anyway, Apple programs always look really nice when finished, so I’m happy to persevere with the beta versions!:-)

      Thanks to Gustaaf and everyone for their very helpful comments.

    • 31.

      Charlie: if you download the Java plugin from Sun Microsystems I think you got it!!!

    • 32.
    • 33.

      I rather Google Chrome.

    • 34.

      Safari works better thank chrome..

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